Where you put your attention and energy is what feeds your reality.

Let’s dive in!


My work is an exploration of who you are, delivered in an accessible and digestible way that speaks to your actual life. Learn the life hacks to dig in and reveal who you really are as well as the compass to stay on a path that leads you to where you want to go.


One on One Sessions

Receive personal instruction and guidance on how to cultivate a meditation practice, as well as life coaching. These sessions are available in-person or virtually.


Corporate Mindfulness

Scientifically proved to increase focus and reduce stress, meditation is one of the best offerings you can share with your employees. Create a culture of mindfulness with in-person or virtual mindfulness sessions.

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Keynote Speaker

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Content Contributor


Brand Collaborations

You belong here just as much as anyone else.


Start a new relationship with yourself now.